Signage Installation and Maintenance in St. John’s

CGL SignWorks carries out signage installation services in St. John’s. Our licensed electrical contractors offer LED retrofitting and lighting maintenance also. Skilled and equipped to fulfill all your sign installation and maintenance requirements, we carry out our services according to your instructions. To ensure the safe and timely delivery of our services, we have acquired all the mandatory licenses, insurances and safety training. All our installations are documented with photographs and emailed to the customers. With our professionalism and courtesy, we take great pride in helping you represent your business to your clients.

Types of Signage We Install and Maintain

CGL SignWorks provides a variety of quality signage installation and maintenance for:

  • Building signs

  • Outdoor signs

  • Indoor signs

  • Promotional signs

Installing Signs across Newfoundland and Labrador


CGL SignWorks installs and maintains signage not only for local sign companies but also for companies throughout the USA and Canada. Aware of the fact that we are representing a company while installing their signs, we focus on upholding punctuality and professionalism in the delivery of our services. For us, services are not restricted to the installation of signs for companies. While we have an IT technician to help with digital signs and billboard installation, we are also trained to install concrete bases for pylon signs and billboards.

Our Sign Trucks


Another element that makes us stand apart from our peers is the availability of three operational sign trucks 1- Elliott L60R, 1-Altec TA -40 and 1- Altec TA -37-g. Having a truck equipped with oxy-acetylene welding gear enables us to perform pylon installation and repair with ease. We also offer bucket truck rentals to companies that install cameras, windows, siding and chimneys and more.


 Whether you are the owner of industrial property or the proprietor of a commercial enterprise, CGL SignWorks can undertake and fulfill all your sign installation, lighting maintenance and LED retrofitting services across  Newfoundland and Labrador with ease. If you need any alterations, upgrades or have any other concerns, reach out to us and we’ll be at your service. To learn more about services, schedule a consultation.

LED Sinage

Replace Expensive Lighting with LED Retrofitting


Our licensed electrical contractors will help you with the latest LED retrofitting services.

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LED Sinage

Take a Look at Our Finished Projects


From installation to maintenance, our finished projects highlight the quality of our service

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